
Sustainable Development Goal 14 - Wikipedia

I chose to do cleaning the ocean. Pollution has always been such a huge issue for humanity. We constantly do things only for our own benefit, without thinking of how it might affect others, human or not. Big corporations just constantly do things that are destroying the ecosystem, only caring about their personal profits. I don’t think the cute fishies deserve to have their home wiped out by selfish and greedy humans, so that’s why I chose the organization Save The Reef, a very big and well known organization.

Save the Reef

I really like what they stand for and all that they do to help the fish. I’m sure a lot of little kids dreamed of swimming in the ocean as a mermaid, watching the fish and admiring the coral reefs. If they all die, that dream would be crushed. So many fish would suffer. Not only the fish, but humans too. People rely on coral reef for food and medicine. That’s why they’re so important. Save The Reef has been educating people on what they can do to help, and they also help other charities.


The style I typically do is more cartoon inspired, I guess? I don’t really know what to call it, but I already have a couple ideas of something I could do. One idea is a girl reaching out to a dying fish in the reef, or something along those lines. It won’t be hyper realistic, and it won’t seem realistic at all. It’ll be very fictional and flowy.

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